Emergency Messages

“What do the emergency messages on my phone say?"

During typhoons, earthquakes, and other natural disasters, you may receive messages on your phone giving emergency instructions.  If you cannot read Japanese, look out for the following 4 instructions:


避難準備情報 hinan junbi jōhō “Evacuation Preparation/Information"

This means that you should make preparations to evacuate, but you do not need to evacuate unless you are especially worried.  Make sure you keep checking for the latest information. 


避難勧告 hinan kankoku “Evacuation Recommendation"

This means that you should consider evacuating now, in case problems arise later.  For example, during a typhoon, if you are near water or in a building that you do not think is safe, you should start evacuating. 


避難指示 hinan shiji  “Evacuation Order"

This means that you must evacuate to your nearest evacuation centre immediately if it is safe to do so. 


避難所閉鎖 or 解除 hinanjo heisa or kaijo: “Closure of Evacuation Centres" or “Rescinding (of instructions)"

This means that the immediate danger from a natural disaster has passed, and that evacuation centres will close.  You should return home.


You can evacuate to any shelter, so if you are not at home, confirm your nearest location on the City's website.  You can check the locations of all shelters on the Miyakonojo City Hall Home Page.